
Conditions for 2024

Conditions for the impuls Composition Competition, organised in 2024 and leading to premieres in 2027:


1.) The impuls Composition Competition is an international competition.

2.) Applying composers must not be born before 1990.

3.) Application starts on May 31st, 2024 and ends on October 31st, 2024 (as last day all material has to arrive at the address given – see Application infos).


4.) A jury consisting of composers, musicians respectively other experts will nominate 4-5 composers. The jury´s decision will be published by spring 2025 on this website and notification will be given also to applicants by then.

5.) As part of the impuls Composition Competition, impuls will then commission new works for ensemble (+-12 musicians chosen from a pool of musicians as given under Application). Expected length: approximately 15 minutes, score of new composition due to June 2026, parts of composition due to October 1st, 2026 after feedback by ensemble. Selected composers are also invited to take part in the impuls Composition Workshop, including extensive rehearsals, accompanying activities (such as composers' talks, discussions, …) and to attend the premiere of their works with a first-class ensemble such as Klangforum Wien within the impuls Festival 2027.


6.) The selected composers will be offered by impuls:
a.) travel expenses (within Europe: economy flight or second-class rail ticket; from overseas: a contribution up to a maximum of € 600.-)

b.) living expenses: hotel (if needed) plus per diem of € 26,40.- (throughout the duration of the workshop and days of premiere and accompanying activities)
c.) At the latest upon delivery of the score and the complete musical material – by the deadlines given – the composers will receive a one-time payment of € 2.900.-. With this payment all rights concerning the public performance within impuls 2027, possible live-recording and broadcasting as well as the publishing of a CD are compensated.

7.) All entries must be made on cost of the composer (impuls will not cover any costs standing in connection with the application). impuls is entitled to store all material handed in and make it available to the ones involved in the handling of the competition (such as the jury).

8.) It will not be possible to appeal against the jury´s decision in a court of law. No correspondence will be conducted regarding the decision.

9.) In submitting their entries to impuls all applicants agree to abide by the conditions set out above. The selection is subject to the law of the Republic of Austria. Should any single condition of the proposed competition be invalid, no other condition shall be automatically invalidated (salvatory clause).