Festival Artists in Focus

In addition to the information available on the impuls Festival programm pages, further articles on impuls Festival Artists, connected to Austria, give an even closer inside look into the current Austrian music scene. Please find the first articles and interviews, that are kindly provided by impuls cooperation partner mica – music austria, below; further publications are to follow within shortly.




mica article about Schallfeld Korpus I (German | pdf)


mica interview with Samuel Toro Pérez (German | pdf)


mica interview with Judith Fliedl (German | pdf)


mica interview with NAMES (pdf)


mica arcticle about Daniel Lercher (German | pdf)


mica interview with Yulan Yu (German | pdf)


mica interview with Spectrum Saxophonquartett (pdf)


mica interview with Chaos String Quartet (pdf)