impuls is taking place in various locations throughout the city of Graz:
The Academy with its various classes is mainly centered at KUG . University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, the concerts and other activities lead you to prestigious places like the Helmut List Halle and MUMUTH, juwels of architecture as well as acoustics, ... to places of the avantgarde and alternative scenes like Forum Stadtpark and esc medien kunst labor ... as well as to galleries and museums.
If you are not familiar with the city of Graz so far, need accommodation or other information on the city, please have a look at the homepage of Graz Tourismus.
KUG . University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
Brandhofgasse 21 + Inffeldgasse 10
+ Leonhardstraße 15 + Leonhardstraße 19
+ Leonhardstraße 82-84 + Lichtenfelsgasse 14
8010 Graz
KUG . Brandhof 21
KUG . Palais Meran
KUG . Reiterkaserne
Ira-Malaniuk-Saal, Performancesaal, various other rooms
Leonhardstraße 82-84
8010 Graz
KUG . TiP . Theater im Palais
Basilika Mariatrost
Blazek . berber.carpets + textiles
esc medien kunst labor
Forum Stadtpark
Grazer Kunstverein
Burgring 2
8010 Graz
HDA . House of Architecture
Helmut List Halle
MUWA . Museum der Wahrnehmung
Stadtpark 2
8010 Graz
Priesterseminar . Barocksaal
< rotor >
Verein für zeitgenössische Kunst
Lodging recommendations for Academy Participants:
Hotel Drei Raben
Exerzitienhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern
Besides a couple of impuls activities - like part of the impuls Composition Workshop - also take place in Vienna:
Klangforum Wien