

26.2.2025, 17.00

3x4 . String Quartets

TiP . Theater im Palais, Leonhardstraße 19, 8010 Graz

Chaos String Quartet

Eszter Kruchió violin

Susanne Schäffer violin

Sara Marzadori viola

Bas Jongen cello


Kandinsky Quartet

Hannah Kandinsky violin
Israel Gutiérrez Vildósola violin
Ignazio Alayza viola
Antonio Gervilla Díaz cello

Quatuor Diotima

Yun-Peng Zhao violin
Léo Marillier violin
Franck Chevalier viola
Alexis Descharmes cello



Yianni Frantzeskakis | Finbar Hosie | Mikel Iturregi | Siho Kim | Egemen Kurt | Anton Schukau | Davide Wang composer

Aside from several instrumental classes for individual musicians and offers for young ensembles and chamber music formations, the impuls Academy 2025 for the first time was specifically inviting young string quartets to join and work with Quatuor Diotima, one of the most in-demand string quartets in the world today. On top, a Call for Scores has been set up by impuls, to interconnect young composer Academy participants with both Quatuor Diotima for feedback, readings and partly also more intense rehearsals, and to get them work together also with the young string quartets on spot.

With Chaos String Quartet, Kandinsky Quartet as well as Percaso String Quartet three young and coming formations are involved in this program this year. Tonight two of them together with Quatuor Diotima bring in the harvest of their work. The Percaso String Quartet was already present at the impuls MinuteConcerts on February 22nd as well as on February 23rd, and also the Chaos String Quartet (18.2.) as well as the Kandinsky Quartet 19.2. presented string quartet classics from Webern and Ligeti up to current works by composers such as Clara Iannotta und Francesca Verunelli.

€ 13 | € 9* | € 5**

* Pupils, students, conscripts/civil servants and unemployed persons with valid identity card

** Music students with valid ID at the box office and children up to 10 years of age

*** Free admission for Hunger auf Kunst & Kultur at the box office from 15 minutes before the start of the concert

Ticket reservation: office@impuls.cc


A detailed program will be published shortly before the event.


This concert is part of the Ulysses Platform, co-funded by the European Union.