24.2.2025, 22.00
Late Night I
Forum Stadtpark, Stadtpark 1, 8010 Graz
Ignaz Schick turntables

Ignaz Schick is a Berlin based sound artist, composer, concept and visual artist. He performs as an instrumentalist on turntables, objects, live-electronics, alto/baritone saxophone and flutes. In his youth he studied the saxophone and performed in free jazz and avant rock bands. At the same time he was getting obsessed with multitrack tape machines, record players and effect boxes and he started experimenting with many different instruments and sound making devices. After college he briefly studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and worked for several years as an assistant for contemporary composer Josef Anton Riedl. Since 1995 he lives & works in Berlin where he became an active and integral force of the so-called “Berlin Nouvelle Vague” and the blossoming “experimental” music scene. He has been also prolific as curator (Festival für Andere Musik, Erase & Reset, Time Shifts, TITO, Echtzeitmusiktage 2010, Flux Festival 2018, Fuchsfest 2021, REFLUX Festival of contemporary electroacoustic Music 2022, …) and runs the experimental music label Zarek.
At the impuls Academy, Ignaz Schick is conducting a Workshop on Experimental Turntablism, diving both into the history of turntablism and exploring some basic techniques with participants, who will join him for a rotating Late Night.
€ 13 | € 9* | € 5**
* Pupils, students, conscripts/civil servants and unemployed persons with valid identity card
** Music students with valid ID at the box office and children up to 10 years of age
*** Free admission for Hunger auf Kunst & Kultur at the box office from 15 minutes before the start of the concert
Ticket reservation: office@impuls.cc