23.2.2025, 14.00 + 16.00
Speculative Sound Synthesis
IEM Cube, Inffeldgasse 10/3, 8010 Graz
Presentation of results of the Special Program
coached by David Pirrò, Martin Rumori and Leonie Strecker
with participants of the impuls Academy 2025
Benedikt Alphart | Ted Apel | Francesco Dal Rí | Emanuele Grossi | Georgios Marentakis | Mike McCormick | Nicolas Speda | Justyna Tobera | Lars Fabian Tuchel composition, electronics

The Speculative Sound Synthesis workshop, set up at the impuls Academy 2025, is addressing sound artists, computer music composers and performers who are committed to critical, speculative approaches at the intersection of art and technology, and who are engaged in practices that question, challenge, criticize, deconstruct, recompose, reformulate, shift, dislocate, endanger or reject established standards of sound synthesis and (music) technology. The workshop is part of the artistic research project “Speculative Sound Synthesis”. The aim of the project is to rethink and recompose the relationship between technology and artistic practice in an attempt to unleash aesthetic potentials of sound synthesis that would otherwise remain unknown or hidden within the technological apparatus. In this aesthetic destabilization of analog and digital sound technologies, speculation is the primary method.
During the workshop, each participant developed their own speculative instrument. As a further step, different approaches towards opening up the instruments for receiving and sending sound and data from and to the other instruments were probed, to ultimately create an interconnected, shared agency when playing the instruments together.
not public | internal Academy presentation with limited number of places | advance registration at impuls recommended
The project "Speculative Sound Synthesis" is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) within the program for arts-based research (PEEK) - PEEK AR 713-G. It is hosted by the Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) at the University of Music and Dramatic Arts in Graz.
Benedikt Alphart and Lars Fabian Tuchel are supported by the Ulysses Platform, co-funded by the European Union.