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February 16th, 2015


Großer Minoritensaal

Mariahilferplatz 3, 8020 Graz


... - Solos - Duos - ...


Concert with Tutors of impuls 2015


Uwe Dierksen: trombone | Christian Dierstein: percussion | Andreas Fischer: voice | Eva Furrer: flute | Frank Gratkowski: saxophone, clarinet | Petra Hoffmann: voice | Ernst Kovacic:

violin | Clemens Merkel: violin | Ulrich Mertin: viola | Lars Mlekusch: saxophone | Ernesto Molinari: clarinet | Ernest Rombout: oboe | Rohan de Saram: cello | Marcus Weiss: saxophone | Manon-Liu Winter: piano



Lars Mlekusch: Luciano Berio: Sequenza VIIb (1969)

Ernst Kovacic: Clemens Gadenstätter: moved by for violin solo (2013)

Ernesto Molinari: Estinas for contrabass clarinet (2015), world premiere

Eva Furrer and Christian Dierstein: Nader Mashayekhi: The Wire of the Needle on the Empty Record (2. Pforte)

Rohan de Saram: Iannis Xenakis: Kottos (1977)

Ernest Rombout: Anthony Cheung: Après une lecture, for Ernest Rombout (2014/15), world premiere

Andreas Fischer: Enno Poppe: Verbalkleid for Bass solo (Text Marcel Beyer) (2011)

- intermission -

Petra Hoffmann and Marcus Weiss: Thomas Kessler: Is It ?

for soprano and soprano saxophone (2002)

Uwe Dierksen: Johannes Maria Staud: Esquisse retouchée (Incipit 2) for trombone (with bass-drum) (2001-2002)

Clemens Merkel and Christian Dierstein: Jo Kondo: Three songs of the Elderberry Tree for solo violin with or without percussion accompaniment (1995)

Lars Mlekusch and Marcus Weiss: Karlheinz Stockhausen: Knabenduett (from Michaels Heimkehr) for 2 soprano saxophones (1980)

Ulrich Mertin: Simon Steen-Andersen: Study for string instruments #1 (2007) 

Christian Dierstein: Wojtek Blecharz: K`an (2012)

Manon-Liu Winter and Frank Gratkowski: Improvisation


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Admission: € 15.- / € 10.- (reduced)

€ 5.- (music students with identity-card at the box-office)
impuls in cooperation with open music and Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten