IMPULS.CC - zur Startseite

February 13th, 2011

KUG . Aula

Brandhofg. 21, 8010 Graz

ensemble Interface

as well as

Marco Fusi, viola

Johanna Greulich, soprano

Ina Hofmann, accordion

Juan Pablo Trad Hasbun, double bass

Scott Voyles, conductor

Beat Furrer: aria (1999)
Rebecca Saunders: Quartet (1998)
Mariana Ungureanu: Fibres : Nord (2010, first performance)
Daniel Vezza: the nature of evidence (2010, first performance)
Julien Vincenot: MOrphism 0.9.2α (2010, first performance)



As a natural process of concerted work various ensembles and formations build up during the impuls Academies. However with ensemble Interface impuls includes an already excisting young and rising ensemble in its Academy for the first time in 2011. During a long time of preparation before the start of the Academy ensemble Interface and impuls organised a Call for scores amongst the participating composers of impuls 2011 within the impuls program „Ensemble meets Composer“. A selection of the handed in works will be studied, discussed and worked on by ensemble Interface and the composers during the Academy.

Three of the new compositions of Moldawian-Rumanian composer Mariana Ungureanu, the US-American Daniel Vezza as well as the French composer Julien Vincenot will be premiered together with renowned works of the impuls tutors Rebecca Saunders and Beat Furrer.

Admission: € 8.- / € 5.- (reduced)