impuls . 11th International Ensemble and Composers Academy for Contemporary Music
Graz, February 10th - 22nd, 2019
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- Photosource: Reinhold Friedl
Reinhold Friedl, improvisation
In the workshops practical models will be presented, discussed and tested: what does freedom and strictness mean? How does one work with references? Is there anything like free and unfree improvisation? Questions like these will not only be discussed on basis of examples (compositions / instructions / by Radu Malfatti, Morton Feldman, participants' own concepts, Luca Venitucci, Mario Bertoncini, Franco Evangelisti, Phill Niblock, Gertrude Meyer-Denkmann, James Tenney, etc.), but also rehearsed and proved in practise. What does strictness mean in improvisation, what faithfulness to the original? What does working with synchronized clocks and texture specifications mean, what is the role of interaction? To what extent can the individual musician lose himself in the overall sound or lose himself?
In accordance with the participants, thematic tasks will be discussed, selected and tested in practice and partly also presented during the impuls Festival.
Reinhold Friedl was born in 1964 and has been living in Berlin since 1987 and at the moment also Vienna. He studied piano with Renate Werner, Alan Marks and Alexander von Schlippenbach, mathematics and musicology in Stuttgart and Berlin. As a performer, interpreter and composer, he has received various fellowships - Eurocréation Paris, the Rome Fellowship (Villa Serpentara) of the Berlin Academy of Arts, STEIM Amsterdam -, as well as various composition commissions. Reinhold Friedl has published articles in newpapers and professional journals and conducted a seminar on "Music and Mathematics" in the department of Mathematics at the Berlin Free University together with Prof. Behrends. He founded and directs the ensembles Piano-Inside-Out and zeitkratzer. Friedl has worked as a curator for the Podewil center for contemporary arts Berlin and directed the Off-ICMC (International Computer Music Conference) Berlin 2000. He has been invited to take part in the Jury of the Ars Electronica and Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisboa. As pianist and composer, he has worked with musicians and composers such as Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth), Phill Niblock, Helmut Oehring, Nicolas Collins, Lou Reed, MERZBOW a.k.a., Masami Akita, Radu Malfatti, Bernhard Guenter, Mario Bertoncini (nuova consonanza), Keiji Haino, and has made countless radio and CD recordings. Lately he realized the "spazialisation piano-project" at ZKM Karlsruhe and Asphodel Studios in San Francisco. The main focus of Reinhold Friedl’s work is the inside-piano. He played all respective literature using inside-piano techniques and released several articles in this field.