impuls . 11th International Ensemble and Composers Academy for Contemporary Music
Graz, February 10th - 22nd, 2019
check tutors on left side and scroll down for information
- Photo source: David Pirrò
David Pirrò, electronics
David Pirrò (*1978 Udine, Italy), is a sound artist and researcher based in Graz, Austria. His works include interactive compositions and sound installations as well as audiovisual and electroacoustic pieces, in which performative and spatial aspects play a central role. Departing from a radical inclusive point of view, he seeks ways of composing, by which the work of art is constructed through mutual interaction of the agents involved in its performance.
David studied piano at the Conservatory "J. Tomadini". In 2004 he obtained the Master degree in Theoretical Physics at the University of Triest. In 2005 he worked at the CSC (Center for Computational Sonology) in Padua wih Prof. De Poli. In 2007 David concluded his studies at the Conservatory "G. Tartini" in Triest with a Master in Computer Music and audio-visual composition.
Since 2007 David holds a PhD in Computer Music and is assistant professor at the IEM (Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics) in Graz, Austria as lecturer and researcher. He collaborates in various scientific and artistic research projects on sonification ("QCD-audio", "An Acoustic Interface for tremor analysis"), sound spatialisation ("The Choreography of Sound"), interaction design in Computer Music ("Embodied Generative Music", "Klangräume"). Currently David is principal project manager of the artistic research project "ALMAT - Algorithms that Matter".