August 20th, 2021 20.00 KUG . MUMUTH György-Ligeti-Saal Lichtenfelsgasse 14 8010 Graz
Due to flood damages relocated to: |
Saiten-Tasten 21 Innenraum-Studien für das andere Klavier (2017–2020)
Mathilde Hoursiangou piano Luca Lavuri piano Sylvia Kimiko Krutz piano
Rebecca Saunders Withinnan, for piano (2019) Marco Momi Sestante M.H., for piano (2018) Gerald Resch Notturno turbato, for piano (2017) Alexander Stankovski Mélodie à deux, for piano (four hands) (2018) Simeon Pironkoff Lueurs, for piano (2017) Wolfgang Suppan Regenbild, for piano (2017) Jaime Wolfson Zeitfilter, for piano (2019) Michael Jarrell Petite danse, for piano (2019) Germán Toro Pérez Cuerdas, for piano (2018) Bernhard Lang DW 31, Loops für Edgar Froese, for piano (four hands) and playback (2017) Daniela Terranova Scratching memories, for piano (2020, UA) Beat Furrer ins Offene, for piano (2019) Elisabeth Harnik of all stars the most beautiful, for piano (2018) Katharina Klement ordentlich inhaltslos, for piano (2018) Johanna Wozny Inside-Piece, for piano (four hands) (2019) Jérôme Combier Laid in earth, for piano and playback (2019) Reinhard Fuchs Tremante, for piano (2019) Klaus Lang Le voyage de Jonas, for piano (2017) Charlotte Seither lauschgut, for piano (2019) Johannes Maria Staud À propos de … raisins rouges, for piano (2019) Gérard Pesson Moteur blanc, for piano (six hands) (2020, premiere) At the beginning of the 20th century, pianists and composers (amongst them Henry Cowell, who is considered to be the forefather of these revolutionary innovations) began to look and listen beyond the „keyboard edge“ of the piano by exploring its boundaries – hereby always in search of new instrumental possibilities to fulfill their sonic ideas. They ventured directly into the strings of the instrument. An amazingly enriching journey of discovery began. Appropriate playing techniques were explored, that had little to do with traditional piano playing and required special skills, as well as a musical repertoire of their own. The project „Saiten-Tasten“ now presents a collection of 21 new inside-piano-studies for the „other“ piano, written between 2017 and 2020. In their miniatures developed for the project, composers from eleven different countries explore a wide variety of playing techniques, opening up magical sound worlds of playing directly on the strings.
Due to flood damages and the associated relocation of the venue, unfortunately no tickets are available for sale.
admission: € 16.- / € 11.- (reduced) € 6.- (music students with identity-card at the box-office) limited number of seats | reservation required under due to Corona-precautions In cooperation with open music